About Metallurgy

Metallurgy is the study of metals and their properties in bulk and at the atomic level. It's also a rather specific journal comic which updates once a week on Saturdays. Guaranteed 90% true scenes from the life of a young metalhead! ...with bonus notes about how things change when you try to cram them into one panel or when you're the forgetful sort to make up for that other 10%. Gender issues included, free of charge.

Metallurgy is mostly set in concert venues around New York, NY. and Chicago, IL.

About The Artist

Emily is a self-indulgent lazy no-good bum with an idiotic preconception that her life is interesting and it's amazing she manages to update this site at all. And she's a geophysical sciences major, so she thinks the title of this comic is funny. Dork.

Metallurgy is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.