
And that's all she wrote. Well, maybe one or two more pages, just to say why, and what happened. But I wouldn't hold your breath. Experiment is complete.

I. Um. Well.

It's only been a few years since I posted on this site, right? What's a few years, give or take?

Quite a lot of trouble, that's what. And in dealing with all that trouble, I dropped a lot of other things, like this site. So no Maryland Deathfest comics for y'all, no more Metallurgy. I will try to finish one or two pages explaining what happened to me, but otherwise, the last page will be this old concept of what the comic would look like.

Yeah, doing full pages like this wouldn't have lasted long. But I liked the layout on this, so I fixed up the art a bit, and here you go: one last messy comic page. About meeting people so very long ago. They had some opinions when I met 'em! We did not actually agree. (Immolation > Suffocation!) But that's small potatoes these days.

A few years, give or take...

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